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The best dual monitor gaming desk are the most loved by customers in 2024!

Edan Hirst
  Jun 26, 2024 5:21 AM

Choosing to buy best dual monitor gaming desk indeed many times makes customers have a headache from choosing reputable brands for its price and features. All your problems will be solved when you read our article below!

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Refer to the best dual monitor gaming desk suggestion below to make sure your choice is perfect.

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Not only providing you with information about best dual monitor gaming desk, we are here to suggest some ways to protect your electrical appliances from damage during the wet season.

  • Place in a dry place

During the wet season, it is difficult to find a really dry place in the house. However, if you want electrical equipment to not be damaged or explode, you must leave these devices in the safest place.

It is recommended to place electronic devices 10-15 cm from the wall and about 80 cm from the floor. This is the safest distance to help your home appliances reduce the risk of damage due to moisture.

  • Regular use

Leaving electronic devices "sitting" during the whole rainy season puts them at greater risk of damage. It is best to turn on devices such as TVs, computers, stereos, microwaves, etc. at least once a day. The reason is that when operating, electronic devices will have a mechanism to generate heat, heat and dry the components inside them.

In addition, you can also leave home electronic devices in standby mode for a certain period of time without completely turning off the power. When in standby mode, these devices do not turn off completely, they still have the ability to generate heat to help keep the internal components from getting wet.

  •  Keep near appliances that are frequently used

If your family often has the TV on, your computer can put other small electronic devices that are rarely used next to it. This method is simple but highly effective. The warmth from the devices in use will help "dry" the devices next to them.

However, when applying this method, you should note that you should not leave it for too long or too close to the power source of the device that is playing because it can cause heating and brittle electronic circuits, damaging devices. near it.

  • Clean often

Regular cleaning of electronic appliances in your home will help keep the devices dry and you can detect them as soon as they show signs of moisture and take timely action.

With locations prone to rust such as socket heads, plugs, screws, you can use alcohol wipes to clean them. For easily removable appliances, you can use a dryer in a gentle setting to dry them.

In addition, with compact electronic devices you can put in the box later to add a few desiccant packs that will help protect these devices from humid weather.

  • Close the door and turn on the air conditioner

Many people have the habit of opening the window and turning on the fan with the purpose of making the room drier. However, this way inadvertently makes the wet situation more serious and the risk of electrical appliances in the home is higher.

Instead, you should close the door and turn on the air conditioner in dehumidifying mode. This will help keep the room dry and protect the electrical equipment in the room from damage. When turning on the air conditioner, you need to pay attention to dry cold mode (Dry mode has a teardrop shape on the remote control) and leave it in hot mode with a two-way air conditioner.


The above is a way to help protect your home technology equipment from damage in the wet and rainy season. Hope the above sharing will help you to apply successfully when preserving best dual monitor gaming desk.

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